Issue 59 - May 2005
Just how important is it that an expert understands and complies with the primary duty he owes to the Court?
Issue 59 - May 2005
Just how important is it that an expert understands and complies with the primary duty he owes to the Court?
Issue 51 - September 2004
Would parties represented by practical commercial people have been able to achieve a sensible resolution of the dispute if they had sat round the table and mediated?
Issue 50 - August 2004
The Court of Appeal applied the Halsey principals in deciding whether to penalise RBI on costs for declining to make use of the Court of Appeal's mediation scheme.
Issue 47 - May 2004
The Court of Appeal case provides guidance on the question of whether a party who refuses an offer to mediate a dispute can be penalised on costs even if successful in the litigation.
Issue 46 - April 2004
How can the court assist (where the parties have been unable to resolve their disputes through mediation) in order to try and resolve some of the more fundamental areas of difference?