This edition focuses on a number of issues relevant to international arbitration. SIAC, in Singapore, released its new arbitration rules on 1 July 2016, whilst a recent English case arising out of a contract to paint submarines looks at the incorporation of arbitration agreements. We also focus on an important DIFC decision which makes positive reading for those interested in enforcing foreign judgments in Dubai. Finally we include a timely reminder on the growing emphasis across the globe, on ensuring that corruption and bribery are eliminated.
The links to these articles are below or you can click to download (PDF 7.3MB) Issue 18 of International Quarterly [1]
Issue 18 articles
The incorporation of arbitration agreements [2]
The jurisdiction of the arbitral tribunals [3]
SIAC announces updated Arbitration Rules and new Investor-State Arbitration Rules [4]
DNB Bank v Eyadah: jurisdiction of the DIFC courts [5]
Complacency costs when it comes to anti-bribery legislation [6]