Walter Lilly & Co Ltd v DMW Developments Ltd

Case reference: 
[2008] EWHC 3139 (TCC)
Thursday, 11 December 2008

Key terms: 
Part 8 application - Declaration - Disputed facts - Inherent defects - Implied terms

The developer, DMW, engaged Walter Lilly to carry out construction work at Bolton's Place, Earls Court. Walter Lilly was to supply American Black Walnut natural timber veneers to certain rooms. The veneer faded and DMW withheld £90,000. Walter Lilly said that the fading was a natural occurrence, so disputed the sum. The dispute was referred to adjudication. The adjudicator decided that Walter Lilly was to supply and install the specific veneer, that the colour had changed and as a result the loss of identity was a breach of contract.

Walter Lilly maintained that DMW had still not actually identified a breach of contract. They commenced Part 8 proceedings, and asked the court for a declaration that:
"Any natural fading of the American Black Walnut veneer supplied and installed by the Claimant does not constitute or give rise to a breach of contract by the Claimant."

Part 8 proceedings apply where the court has been asked to decided a legal issue. If there were any disputed facts (as is often, but not always, the case with most disputes) then the full Part 7 procedure would have been applicable.

Several issues arose. First, Walter Lilly argued that the Part 8 application should not be heard because it was simply an attempt to appeal an adjudicator's decision.

Second, Walter Lilly maintained that there were disputed facts. It was not simply the case that the wood had faded naturally, but that there was an inherent defect with the veneer, which was a breach of contract. Further that the wood as supplied was not that which had been chosen by DMW, and so there was a breach of an implied term of the Supply of Goods and Services Act 1982.

Mr Justice Coulson held that the Part 8 application could be considered. An adjudicator's decision, although temporarily binding, could be opened up by either party for a final decision. The Court therefore had the ability to consider a fresh argument and arrive at its own conclusion.

Walter Lilly had not identified the particular breach of contract during the course of the work. However, at the hearing they had maintained that there were inherent defects, which would constitute a breach of contract. In order to determine that point the Court would need to consider the circumstances in which the veneer had been selected, consideration of any samples, finishes used on the veneer, the nature and extent of the discolouration together with its cause. There was also the question as to whether the fading that had occurred was a natural consequence, or was abnormal.

The Part 8 procedure was not suitable for disputed factual matters. It was therefore not appropriate to grant the declaration requested as the declaration as too wide. However, the Judge granted the following declarations:

1 For the Claimant to be liable for the fading of the American Black Walnut there must be a breach of an express or implied term of the contract on part of the Claimant. The fading of the walnut cannot, in the absence of an identifiable breach, given rise to a liability on the part of the Claimant;

2 If the only cause of the fading was natural light (as found by the adjudicator) then such condition, on its own, could not render the Claimant in breach of contract.

This was not a Part 24 Summary Judgment Application. However, if it was Mr Coulson would have come to the conclusion that the Defendant had a realistic prospect of success.

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