RSL (South West Limited ) v Stansell Limited

Case reference: 
[2003] EWHC 1390 (TCC)
Monday, 16 June 2003

Key terms: 
Adjudicator's jurisdiction - DOM/2 1981 Edition - Clause 38A- Natural Justice - Interim Payment under Part 25.6 CPR

Stansell was a building contractor carrying out work in Union Street, Bristol. They engaged RSL as a sub-contractor. The sub-contract was based upon the Standard Form of Domestic Sub-contract DOM/2 1981 edition (reprinted in 1998) incorporating amendments 1-8. Clause 38 contained adjudication provisions.

A dispute arose in connection with the final account, and in particular a claim for an extension of time and a claim for loss and expense. The dispute was referred to adjudication. An adjudicator was appointed by the RICS.

The Adjudicator asked for the parties agreement to appoint a planning expert. Both parties agreed, however, the Defendant requested a copy of the letter of instruction to the planning expert, together with his response and copies of any report prepared by that expert. The preliminary advice from the expert was forwarded to the parties. The Defendant did not consider that a response was required because the preliminary advice appeared to show that the Claimant's position was not supported. The Adjudicator then issued his decision. Paragraph 72 of that decision said that his decision was arrived at after considering the final report of the planning expert. He awarded the Claimant 55 working days, and then proceeded to award the Claimant a sum of money.

The Defendant did not pay. An application for summary judgment was made, together with an application in the alternative for an interim payment pursuant to Part 25.6 of the CPR.

Stansell argued that the Adjudicator's decision was unenforceable because of a breach of natural justice. They argued that the Adjudicator had failed to comply with the basis upon which Stansell had agreed to the appointment of the planning expert, and also that the Adjudicator had failed to provide Stansell with an opportunity to review the planning expert's final report. Finally, they argued that the Adjudicator had wrongfully delegated his decision making powers to the planning expert.

HHJ Seymour QC considered that the main ground upon which Stansell could rely was the failure of an opportunity to comment upon the final report of the planning expert. Stansell had been given the opportunity to comment upon the interim advice, but had not done so because it appeared to be in their favour. However, the Adjudicator's decision was based upon the final report of the planner, which had not been provided to the parties. On that basis HHJ Seymour QC refused to enforce the decision.

In respect of the alternative application for an interim payment, he said that once the basis of the decision had been successfully attacked it could not then be said that other amounts could be "salvaged from the wreckage" of the Adjudicator's decision. He recognised that in some instances it might be possible for one of the matters in dispute to be identified from a decision that could then be enforced without enforcing the rest of the decision. However, this was not one of those cases.

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