10 November 2006
"The Civil Codes and Common Law Jurisdiction compared; Good Faith and Force Majeure"
"Time bars in construction and global claims"
25 April 2008
Simon Tolson and Jeremy Glover in a paper prepared for Video TEN (The Einstein Network) discuss the increasing importance of timebars in construction contracts, with particular reference to the FIDIC, NEC3 and JCT forms. They also review the approach of the courts to global claims following the Scottish case of City Inn v Shepherd Construction.
"Civil Procedure Rules update - Are the courts trying to do themselves out of business?"
17 September 2003
In a paper prepared for the south-east branch of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators, Jeremy Glover discusses ADR, the role of the expert witness, costs and case management - four key issues for anyone dealing with disputes.
"Enforcement of DAB decisions under the 1999 FIDIC Conditions of Contract – A recent development: CRW Joint Operation v. PT Perusahaan Gas Negara (Persero) TBK [2011] SGCA 33"
October 2011
"The Technology and Construction Court today – A TeCSA solicitor's view"
January 2007
Simon Tolson, in a paper given at a joint TeCSA/TECBAR conference in Birmingham, sets out a number of practical tips learnt over the years in his dealings with the Technology and Construction Court. Amongst the topics covered are the construction and engineering pre-action protocol, case management conferences and fast-track cases. The paper ends with a case study which demonstrates the adaptability of the Technology and Construction Courts and the need for adaptability on the part of those using them.
"Experts in International Disputes"
September 2008
Nicholas Gould, the Chairman of the Standing Committee of the ICC Centre for Expertise discusses the appointment of experts in international commercial arbitration. In doing so he looks at some of the applicable rules and offers tips and practical advice for when working with experts.