"Discussion points on the Disability Discrimination Act"

August 2004

In a paper prepared for construction programme Video TEN (the Einstein Network), Simon Tolson considers the 1995 Disability Discrimination Act and, in particular, looks at the steps which need to be taken from 1 October 2004 to ensure that premises comply with that legislation, the aim of which is to curb discrimination against disabled people in their access to the provision of services and employment. The paper includes practical advice on compliance.

"The interventionist Judge"

7 May 2010

Simon Tolson in an article first published in Building considers the crucial role judges can play in litigation, focussing on the decision of Mr Justice Coulson in the Brookfield v Mott MacDonald case

"Bonds, Warranties and Guarantees"

17 October 2008

David Bebb in a paper given to the Sweet & Maxwell Construction Law 2008 conference, discusses what you really need to know about bonds and guarantees. In doing so, he highlights the basic legal principles, reviews what some of the key provisions mean and asks why they are needed and finally considers some common pitfalls when drafting these documents.

"Corporate Manslaughter"

7 November 2006

Jon Miller, in a paper given at the third Fenwick Elliott seminar entitled “Capital Projects in the Education Sector”, sets out the status of the proposed Government reforms outlined in the new Corporate Manslaughter and Corporate Homicide Bill and discusses how these new reforms might effect you. 

Earlier articles - in HTML format

Construction: Insurance issues
February 2003

"Sustainability: a case of overpaid, oversexed and over here or something completely different?"

23 November 2009

Simon Tolson, in an article which formed part of a sustainability supplement in the Guardian, Sustainability and Innovative Construction, discusses the extent to which construction contracts are addressing sustainable development.