"Freedom of Information Act"

Spring 2005

Victoria Russell, in a paper prepared in response to requests from certain of our clients (both public authorities and those within the construction industry), outlines the impact of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 which came into full effect on 1 January 2005. A version of this paper was given at our Capital Projects in the Education Sector Seminar held on Tuesday 1 November 2005.  If you would like any further information or details about the Freedom of Information Act, please do not hesitate to contact Victoria.

"Expert evidence: all my own work"

22 April 2010

"Let there be light: fiat lux"

January 2009

Simon Tolson explains exactly what a right to light is and how that right can be enforced.

"Late payment of commercial debts legislation"

Updated in January 2007

This briefing note (originally prepared for clients by Simon Tolson and up-dated by Theresa Mohammed) sets out the key features of the late payments legislation which provides a remedy for companies faced by non-payment of their invoices.

"Railway law for engineers"

5 November 2003

Jon Miller, in a talk given to the Institution of Electrical Engineers, provides an introduction to the general principles of English law under which the UK rail network operates. He sets out how these general principles apply specifically to the railways and, against that background, explains what can happen when something goes wrong.

"The Little Ceausescu"

Simon Tolson comments on Planning Policy in regard to listed and historical buildings.