Arbitration & litigation

Wilson and Sharp Investments Ltd v Harbour View Developments Ltd

Issue 185 - November 2015

In insolvency proceedings, what was the effect of a failure to serve a payless notice?

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NH International (Caribbean) v National Insurance Property Development Company

Issue 183 - September 2015

Were the employers’ claims made as soon as practicable?

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CIP Properties (AIPT) Ltd v Galliford Try Infrastructure Ltd Ors

Issue 180 - May 2015

Could new causes of action be added after the timetable for trial had been sent down?

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Peterborough City Council v Enterprise Managed Services Ltd

Issue 173 - November 2014

Does the FIDIC form require that a dispute is referred to adjudication by a DAB first, as a pre-condition to any court (or arbitral) proceedings?

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Kruppa v Benedetti & Anr

Issue 169 - July 2014

Was there a binding agreement to mediate?

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