Arbitration & litigation

Henry v News Group Newspapers Ltd

Issue 144 - June 2012

Can a party be penalised for not informing the other of an increase in costs on a monthly basis as prescribed under the defamation costs pilot? Case overturned on appeal, see Issue 152.

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Higginson Securities (Developments) Ltd v Hodson

Issue 143 - May 2012

What are the requirements of the Construction Pre Action protocol in relation to the without prejudice meeting?

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West Country Renovations Ltd v McDowell & Anr

Issue 141 - March 2012

What claims can be heard at High Court level at the TCC?

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ACD (Landscape Architects) Ltd v Overall & Anr

Issue 139 - January 2012

Was a draft expert report privileged?

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A & Others v B & Anr

Issue 137 - November 2011

Was the arbitrator truly impartial?

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