Arbitration & litigation

Price & Anr v Carter (t/a Ian Carter Building Contractors

Issue 121 - July 2010

Did the Notice of Arbitration, which did not require Price to agree to the appointment of an arbitrator, comply with rule 2.1 of the CIMA Rules?

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Shell Egypt West Manzala GmbH & Others v Dana Gas Egypt Ltd

Issue 111 - September 2009

What were the consequences of failing to raise a point during the pre-action protocol process which you later rely upon?

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Roundstone Nurseries Ltd v Stephenson Holdings Ltd

Issue 109 - July 2009

What were the consequences of withdrawing from a mediation due to take place during the pre-action protocol process?

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Bovis Homes Ltd v Kendrick Construction Ltd

Issue 109 - July 2009

What were the consequences of failing to raise a point during the pre-action protocol process which you later rely upon?

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Bulk & Metal Transport (UK) LLP v VOC Bulk Ultra Handymax Pool LLC

Issue 106 - April 2009

Had the party referring the dispute to arbitration, complied with the necessary formalities?

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