Arbitration & litigation

C v D

Issue 92 - February 2008

By choosing London as the seat of the arbitration, were the parties to be taken to have agreed that any proceedings to challenge the award should only be those permitted by English law?

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Cundall Johnson & Partners LLP v Whipps University Hospital NHS Trust

Issue 89 - November 2007

What were the consequences of failing to comply with the pre-action protocol?

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Premium NAFTA Products Ltd & Ors v Fili Shipping Company Ltd & Ors

Issue 89 - November 2007

What is the golden rule of the House of Lords in relation to arbitration clauses? Is there any distinction between disputes arising "under" the contract and disputes arising "out of" a contract?

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Iggleden & Another v Fairview New Homes (Shooters Hill) Ltd

Issue 88 - October 2007

How will the court choose between two conflicting remedial schemes proposed by respective experts?

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London Underground Ltd v Citylink Telecommunications Ltd

Issue 87 - September 2007

What was the TCC view of a global claim made in arbitration proceedings?

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