Arbitration & litigation

Statutory instrument 2006/1689

Issue 79 - January 2007

What is the effect of this new SI on the question of public access to the Court documents, in particular pleadings? See also Issue 75.

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Aird & Aird v Prime Meridian Ltd

Issue 76 October 2006

Are joint expert reports prepared for mediations privileged? See issue 81 - March 2006 - For the view of the Court of Appeal.

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Bryan Royle Maggs t/a BM Builders v Gas Marsh & Marsh Jewellery Co Ltd

Issue 75 September 2006

This case considers some of the problems that can arise from oral contracts.

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Associated British Ports v Hydro Soil Services NV and Others

Issue 74 - August 2006

What is the extent of an engineer's duty to warn?

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Bernuth Lines Ltd v High Seas Shipping Ltd

Issue 68 - February 2006

Was the arbitration notice validly served by email?

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