Arbitration & litigation

DBE Energy Ltd v Biogas Products Ltd

Issue 240 - June 2020

Did the experts comply with their duties to the court?

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Muncipio De Mariana & Ors v BHP Group Plc

Issue 238 - April 2020

Would the TCC extend time and adjourn a hearing because of the impact of C-19?

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McParland & Partners Ltd & Anor v Whitehead

Issue 237 - March 2020

Useful guidance from the courts about the e-disclosure pilot.

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Lejonvarn v Burgess and Another

Issue 237 - March 2020

When are indemnity costs appropriate?

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Issue 236 - February 2020

Did the contract incorporate an arbitration clause? Was a party bound by the contractual position taken in an adjudication?

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