Arbitration & litigation

BMCE Bank International Plc v Phoenix Commodities PVT Ltd & Anor

Issue 223 - January 2019

Was the court prepared to allow the late service of a costs budget?

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Bond v Mackay & Ors

Issue 221 - November 2018

How will the courts decide the scope of a dispute referred to arbitration?

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Gardiner & Theobald LLP v Jackson Ltd

Issue 220 - October 2018

Can success-related fees ever be compatible with an expert’s duty to act independently?

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Dacy Building Services Ltd v IDM Properties LLP

Issue 214 - April 2018

How will the court assess oral evidence?

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Fluor Ltd v Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industry Co, Ltd

Issue 212 - February 2018

Could Fluor rely on its settlement agreement up on line in its claims against a supplier?

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