Contract issues

Vinergy International (PVT) Ltd v Richmond Mercantile Ltd FZC

Issue 190 - April 2016

Must a party terminating for repudiatory breach at common law must follow the contract's termination provisions?

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J Browne Construction Company Ltd v Chapman Construction Services Ltd & Others

Issue 189 - March 2016

Had the sub-contractor deliberately and/or fraudulently overcharged for its labour?

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Marks and Spencer plc v BNP Paribas Securities Services Trust Company (Jersey) Ltd & Anr

Issue 187 - January 2016

What test will the courts apply when considering whether to imply a term into a contract?

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Van Oord UK Ltd & Anr v Allseas UK Ltd

Issue 186 – December 2015

How will the TCC treat claims based on unforeseeable ground conditions?

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Scottish Power UK plc v BP Exploration Operating Co Ltd & Others

Issue 184 - October 2015

Did the contract contain reporting requirements which were a condition precedent to a successful claim for relief from a force majeure event?

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