Contract issues

South Oxfordshire District Council v SITA UK Ltd

Issue 77 - November 2006

To what extent can you roll up past or continuing breaches of contract when making allegations of repudiatory conduct?

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Shinedean Ltd v Alldown Demolition (London) Ltd (in liquidation) and Anr

Issue 74 - August 2006

What constitutes a reasonable time to produce documents to Insurers?

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TFW Printers Ltd v Interserve Project Services Ltd

Issue 73 - July 2006

When does the obligation to insure building works against loss and damage end?

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Skanska Rasleigh Weatherfoil v Somerfield Stores Ltd

Issue 73 - July 2006

What problems might occur when the deadline for the expiry of a letter of intent is extended? See Issue 80 for Court of Appeal Decision.

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Construction Partnership UK Ltd v Leek Developments Ltd

Issue 72 - June 2006

Can you serve a contract notice by fax?

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