Contract issues

Canary Wharf (BP4) T1 Ltd & Ors v European Medicines Agency

Issue 225 - March 2019

Would Brexit mean that a lease could be treated as being impossible to perform or frustrated?

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University of Warwick v Balfour Beatty Group Ltd

Issue 223 - January 2019

Was the contractor able to achieve practical completion of one Section of the works prior to completion of the Works as a whole?

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GPP Big Field LLP & Anor v Solar EPC Solutions SL

Issue 222 - December 2018

Was the liquidated damages clause a penalty? Had there been a force majeure event?

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Arcadis Consulting (UK) Ltd v AMEC (BCS) Ltd

Issue 221 - November 2018

Had the parties agreed a liability cap?

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West Reg. Street (Property) Ltd v Central Demolition Ltd

Issue 221 - November 2018

Who was responsible for the costs of removing asbestos?

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