
Insight is our newsletter which provides practical information on topical issues affecting the building, engineering and energy sectors.

Insight newsletterJanuary 2024

January’s Insight looks at bonds and guarantees, including the basic issues parties forget when offering securities.

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Previous issues

January 2014

January's issue of Insight discusses mediation practice following the recent decision of the Court of Appeal in PGF II SA v OMFS Company 1 Ltd. The expansion of the previous law in relation to mediation is considered, and practical tips are provided on how to proceed when faced with an invitation to mediate.

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December 2013

December's issue of Insight considers the new approach to litigation heralded by the Jackson reforms as now confirmed by the Court of Appeal, and provides practical pointers and guidance on how the Jackson reforms will be applied by the courts going forward into 2014.

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November 2013

November's issue of Insight discusses some of the recent reforms that have been implemented under English law as a response to the demands of modern business disputes, and provides practical tips for those who may find themselves in the early stages of a dispute on how to stay ahead of the game.

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October 2013

October's issue of Insight considers the ramifications of the decision in Parkwood Leisure Limited v Laing O’Rourke Wales & West Limited where the TCC considered for the first time whether a collateral warranty is a construction contract. We also provide practical tips for those who do not wish their warranties to be subject to statutory adjudication.

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September 2013

September's issue of Insight discusses whether a parent company letter of support is a good enough alternative to a parent company guarantee. We consider the decision from an important recent judgment on parent company letters of support, and provide practical advice for those who might issue and receive them.

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