Understanding the FIDIC Red and Yellow Books

Cover of 'Understanding the FIDIC Red and Yellow Booksby Jeremy Glover and Simon Hughes

Updated to cover the 2017 FIDIC Suite of contracts, Understanding the FIDIC Red and Yellow Books, the 3rd edition of which was published in December 2018, provides a clause-by-clause commentary of the Red and (for the first time) Yellow Book contracts offering expert guidance on interpretation for those dealing with FIDIC contracts operating in both Common Law and Civil Law jurisdictions.

The book also helps you solve problems frequently encountered in practice in relation to various clauses and compares the new contract with previous versions of the FIDIC Red Book, the Multilateral Development Bank Harmonised edition (or Pink Book) and other widely used standard contracts.

Reproducing each clause in full, the book goes on to explain the effect and operation of each one, considering latest case law and discussing problems frequently encountered in practice

The publication has been jointly written by Jeremy Glover and Simon Hughes QC of Keating Chambers and a forward to the 3rd Edition has kindly been provided by Sir Vivian Ramsey.

First published by Sweet and Maxwell in November 2006

ISBN 9780414034204

To order, email: [email protected]

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