The new CIArb Dispute Board Rules and comparison table of Dispute Board Rules
The new CIArb Dispute Board Rules and comparison table of Dispute Board Rules
In August 2014 the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators produced and published a set of international commercial dispute board rules (the “CIArb Rules”). The CIArb Rules are designed to be easily incorporated into contract by inserting one of two alternative precedent clauses, and they can be used on any medium- or long-term project, whether construction, IT, commercial, or otherwise.
Nicholas Gould was the Chair of the Drafting Committee of the new CIArb Dispute Board Rules. Click here to see the full CIArb Dispute Board Rules, Practice and Standards Committee.
Click here to read the article in which Nick the discusses dispute boards as a dispute resolution mechanism, and how the new CIArb Rules apply by comparison to the other leading forms of Dispute Board Rules.
Nicholas has also produced a useful comparison table of Dispute Board Rules.