Contract issues

Multiplex Constructions (UK) Ltd v Honeywell Control Systems Ltd

Issue 83 - May 2007

Was time at large and why are time bars so important?

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Skanska Rasleigh Weatherfoil v Somerfield Stores Ltd

Issue 80 - February 2007

What was the correct approach to the interpretation of contracts?

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Bell Scaffolding (Aust) Pty Ltd v Rekon Ltd and Another

Issue 78 - December 2006

Did the agreement between the parties give rise to an enforceable obligation or was it merely an agreement to agree?

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3DM (3DMA) Pte Limited v 3DM Worldwide Plc

Issue 77 - November 2006

Is there a difference between indicating an agreement to the wording of a contract and agreeing to be bound by the contract itself once it is drawn up?

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South Oxfordshire District Council v SITA UK Ltd

Issue 77 - November 2006

To what extent can you roll up past or continuing breaches of contract when making allegations of repudiatory conduct?

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